ภาษาไทย  Eng

The ACCU OPzV series stationary batteries are the newly products.The performances meet the standard DIN40736
and IEC 60896-21


   Gelled electrolyte, no flow, no leakage or no gradation
      of gradationof sulfuric acid.
   The positive plate is tubular plate, which can effectively
prevent  theactive materials from falling off.
   PVC-SiO2 Separator, which is special for gel battery with tiny 
holes.The separator has high volume porosity, low electrical
      resistance and excellent wettability
   Maintenance-free during the whole service life.
   Low self discharge rate
   Proof against deep discharge according to DIN 43539 T5

Technical parameters
 Environment temperature  -20C ~ 50C
 Environmental temperature for
 best utillzation
 25C   5C
 Float charging voltage  2.23VPC 1% at 20C -25C
 Max. Charge voltage  2.40VPC at 20C -25C
 Temperature adjustment coefficient  -3mV/C/unit
 Max charging current  0.20C10A
 Design service life  20 years (20C)
 Self-discharge rate  Less than 40% after 2-years storage at 20C
 Recover performance after deep
 discharge rate
 The battery can be recharged to 95% of the
 rated capacity ater 12 hour deep discharge
 The gas recombination efficiency
 More than 99%

ACCU (OPzV) Battery Series

Type Rated
Dimensions Battery weight (app.) Number
of post of
the same
(L) (W) (H) (TH) -+5% (Kg)
AC-4 OPzV200 2 200 103 206 354 380 20.0 1 T13
AC-5 OPzV250 2 250 124 206 354 380 24.5 1
AC-6 OPzV300 2 300 145 206 354 380 28.5 1
AC-5 OPzV350 2 350 124 206 470 496 31.5 1
AC-6 OPzV420 2 420 145 206 470 496 36.0 1
AC-7 OPzV490 2 500 166 206 470 496 42.5 1
AC-6 OPzV600 2 600 145 206 645 671 50.0 1
AC-9 OPzV630 2 630 225 206 470 496 53.0 1
AC-7 OPzV700 2 700 225 206 470 496 59.0 1
AC-11 OPzV770 2 770 225 206 470 496 65.5 2
AC-8 OPzV800 2 800 191 210 645 671 68.0 2
AC-10 OPzV1000 2 1000 233 210 645 671 82.0 2
AC-12 OPzV1200 2 1200 275 210 645 671 97.0 2
AC-12 OPzV1500 2 1500 275 210 795 821 120.0 3
AC-16 OPzV2000 2 2000 399 212 772 797 120.0 3
AC-20 OPzV2000 2 2000 468 212 645 677 160.0 3
AC-20 OPzV2500 2 2500 487 212 772 797 200.0 4
AC-24 OPzV3000 2 3000 576 212 772 797 240.0 4
AC-30 OPzV3000 2 3000 680 212 645 677 240.0 4